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Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage in Florida – What if The Car that Fled the Scene Never Hit Me but Veered in My Lane, Causing the Crash? Is that A Case?

Generally, under Florida law, if you have uninsured motorist coverage, this will protect you when the other car has no insurance and when the other car hits you and flees (hit and fun) or if the other person causes the accident and flees, like in the scenario above (phantom vehicle scenario). This is the phantom car scenario and generally the uninsured motorist coverage will apply to this scenario. The actual result of this coverage may depend on the language in your uninsured motorist policy in Florida. Some people think that because the other car fled the scene of the accident and there is no one to sue, that they don’t have an injury case. However, if the injured person owns a car with uninsured motorist coverage or even if the car they were in had uninsured motorist coverage, there may be a case against the insurance company to pay for the injuries caused by the phantom driver/car. Thus, if you have been in this sort of an accident and seek a free consultation, please call me.

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