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Quick questions with quick answers in Florida personal injury cases: I was hit from behind (rear end collision) and feel some pain; what do need to do to prove my injury case?

In Florida, you must prove a permanent injury (or the other enumerated criteria) to be entitled to pain and suffering or any other sort of non-economic damages. A finding of permanent injury is clearly a medical finding that would need to be found by some sort of doctor (medical doctor, doctor of osteopath, chiropractor, etc.). Usually, the doctors refer to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment in order to make such a finding. There are many doctors in the community that focus on accident cases and can help in treating injuries related to a car accident and can make such findings, if applicable.

If you have been in a car accident and believe the other vehicle is at fault, please feel free to call the accident lawyer at Drucker Law Offices, which is attorney Gary J. Drucker.  At Drucker law offices, there is a free consultation with the injury attorney who will discuss your case with you.  Mr. Drucker gives his cellular phone to all the clients he believes that “personal injury deserves personal attention.”  And of course, there is no fee unless you recover money in your accident case.

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Pay Nothing Unless I Win Your Case.

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If you were injured in an accident contact us! We are available 24/7.