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Quick Florida personal injury questions and answers: I fell at the supermarket because there was water on the floor; do I automatically win my case?

This is not such an easy answer. To win an injury case, we have to prove liability (fault), damages (medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, generally) and causation (that this accident caused these injuries). This question primarily deals with liability.

The first thing that is important is that just because you fell at the supermarket doesn’t mean that they are at fault. You must prove their negligence. Even if there is water on the floor, there are other questions: where did the water come from? How long was the water there for? Did the supermarket know about the water on the floor? Surely, if another customer spilled the water a few second or even minutes before you walked up the aisle and then you fell in it, this would be a hard case to prove against the supermarket and a much better case to prove against the other customer (if there is some way to track that customer down, which is rarely the case).

So no you do not “automatically” win this case as there are other things that would need to be proved but it very well may be a case, depending upon how the other facts addressed above map out.

If you or a loved one has been in any sort of accident where you feel someone else was at fault, please feel free to call the Florida accident lawyer at Drucker Law Offices – Gary J. Drucker, Esquire.  Drucker Law Offices offers a free consultation in accident cases and the personal injury lawyer will discuss your case with you.  There is no lawyer fee unless a recovery is made by the injury lawyer in your case.

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