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I Was in A Car Accident in Florida and Was Injured but The Other Car Did Not Have Insurance; Do I Have a Case?

Generally, if you are injured for an accident and someone else is at fault, then you would have “a case.”  The issue however becomes what if there is no insurance to make a claim against.  Please note that the question of whether there is insurance may not be such an easy question as in general one has to look at the insurance of the other car, the driver of the other car, any other possible insurance of the other car (like if someone was working for an employer, there may be a separate policy that might provide coverage for such accident.  Further, there may be uninsured motorist coverage that applies to the accident.  Such insurance may be on the car that the injured person was driving or a passenger of, may be on the client’s own insurance policy even if the client is not in their car, or may even be on the policy of a resident relative who the injured person lives with, even if the injured person was not in that car.  The bottom line is that there is a lot of ways to get insurance but in many cases there still is no insurance.  In such cases, there is “a case” but oftentimes from a practical perspective the person who the case is against may not be worth suing and thus there really is NOT a viable case.  Of course, these decisions are case to case and it is imporant to discuss this with a licensed Florida lawyer.

Drucker Law Offices has offices in Boca Raton (principal office), Coral Springs, Miami, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth and West Palm Beach.  The phone numbers are 561-483-9199 in Palm Beach County or 954-755-2120 in Broward County or 305-981-1561 in Miami-Dade County.

Of course, every case is unique and has to be judged based on the specific facts of the case.  The advice in this blog is intended to be general in nature and should not to be construed as specific advice for a case, as a slight difference in the facts could ultimately change the result.  Also, this blog is, as the web site suggests, based on Florida law and the laws of any other states or another country could vary significantly from Florida.

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