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I Was in A Car Accident in Floirda; Should I Take Pictures of My Bruises from The Accident? how Will This Make My Case Stronger?

As I have written about on prior blog posts, there are three primary elements of an injury case:  liability (fault), damages, and causation.  In a car accident, oftentimes the fault is clear, meaning that one car has acknowledged fault or the facts make that fact clear.  In those cases, the primary issues focus on the injuries (damages) and the causation element (causation:  did this accident cause the injury).  It is hard for people to imagine but insurance companies (less difficult to see) and juries can be skeptical about whether certain injuries were caused in an accident.  Thus, all proof that is available will be helping in proving the injury.  If a doctor reports bruising on a knee and later there is some internal derangement, necessitating surgery, then that reporting of the bruise will be helpful to the jury in finding that the knee injury was caused from the accident.  Of course, if one were able to show the jury a picture of that bruise, it likely would be all the more helpful to the case.  Thus, taking pictures of bruises, cuts or anything that shows the jury the nature of the accident can be helpful in proving a case and is very important.

If you have been in a car accident where you believe the other car was at fault, please call Drucker Law Offices for a free consultation at 561-483-9199 (Boca Raton Main office) or 954-755-2120 (Coral Springs satellite office), 561-967-3840 (Lake Worth satellite office) or 305-981-1561 (Miami satellite office)(accident lawyer and injury lawyer that focuses on personal injury cases).

Of course, a case based on a fact pattern such as the one above is unique and any other case should be judged based on the specific facts of the case.  The advice in this blog is intended to be general and should not to be used as specific advice for a case, as the slightest difference in the facts could change the result.  Also, this blog is, as the web site name suggests, based on Florida law and the laws of any other state could vary significantly from Florida.

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