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I broke my nose when i fell in the gym; is that a case?

A lot of injury cases are seen that take place at gyms.  Please accept today’s blog entry by the accident lawyer and personal injury attorney. 

These establishments can be commercial gyms or fitness centers or gyms in a community.  First, a lot of people go to these gyms throughout the day.  Secondly, people that go to gyms are moving weights around and accidents may happen.  Also, since many of these gyms have pools and showers, there are a lot of area where people can fall and be injured.  As discussed, solely because you are injured at the property does not automatically mean the business establishment is at fault; thus, fault must be shown against the business that you are making a claim against or suing.

Anther interesting issue in the question above is the nose injury.  At the law firm, I see a lot of different injuries, including broken noses.  A broken nose could potentially cause a lot of medical bills, particularly if this causes more injury than just a break of the bone, like respiratory issues and so forth.

To answer the question, a fall at a gym very possibly could be an injury case but it is going to vary on whether the business where you fell is the legal cause of the accident and if there are injuries.  With a broken nose, if there are medical bills, pain and suffering, etc., then these typically would be examples of damages.

Of course, every case is unique and has to be judged based on the specific facts of the case. The advice in this blog is intended to be general in nature and should not to be construed as specific advice for a case, as the most slight difference in the facts could ultimately change the result. Also, this blog is based on the laws of the State of Florida. The laws of any other states or country could vary significantly from Florida.

If you have been in a slip and fall accident or accident that has taken place at a gym, please call Drucker Law Offices today for a free consultation at (561) 483-9199 for Palm Beach County (main office Boca Raton); (954) 755-2120 in Broward County; or (305) 981-1561 in Miami-Dade County.

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